
qEEG Brain Mapping

Get The Information You Need!

A qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) is a diagnostic tool that measures electrical activity in the form of brain wave patterns. It is sometimes referred to as “brain mapping.” It can reveal brain wave patterns that are associated with impulsivity, cognitive inflexibility, anxiety, and other symptoms.

qEEG Brain Mapping

The Assessment

Simple Testing Platform
Electrode are gently placed in specific areas of the scalp to identify corresponding brain activity. Simple questions from the practitioner complete the assessment with ease. This is followed up with an appointment for a brain map review. At which point the results will described in easy to understand language.

Assesses Needs for Each Client Easy & Efficient

"Neurons that fire together wire together."
Donald O. Hebb

The brain map provides proof and validation that the struggles you are experiencing originate in your brain. Many of clients say that despite the effectiveness of therapy and medication, there is always a nagging feeling that what they are experiencing is “all in their head.” Brain mapping shows once and for all that what you are experiencing is very real and caused by changes in your brain.

While the treatment provided is based on the symptoms you report, brain mapping can help match the treatment to your needs and your unique brain activity, enabling faster and deeper improvements.

Why is a Brain Map Important?
Brain mapping facilitates a better understanding of your brain function. After an injury or accident, your physician may use an X-Ray to see what is happening to your bones and determine the course of treatment. In neurofeedback, we use brain mapping to see what is happening in your brain, and how best to help you meet your challenges.

You are unique, and so is the electrical activity in your brain. Using brain mapping, we are able to create a customized neurofeedback protocol to help you. The brain map pinpoints areas where you have difficulty, and we can tailor the treatment plan just for you. During treatment, brain mapping enables us to see what is working and what to change. As a result, we can create a treatment plan that is the most effective for your brain.

Why is seeing what is happening in your brain a game-changer?

During treatment, brain mapping allows us to visualize the progress and improvement that is occurring in your brain as a result of neurofeedback and customize the therapeutic sessions that we do together for the best results.

Neurofeedback allows us to exercise your brain in a targeted way to improve your brain function. Together, you can change your life by reducing the symptoms that are holding you back.

How do brain maps improve your neurofeedback treatment?
How it works: If you are struggling with your focus, migraines, your mental health, or sleep issues, we use the brain map to measure what your brain looks like before we start treatment, design a targeted neurotherapy intervention, and track your progress over time.

Based on Individual Needs
Validating & Empowering for Healing


  • Medication Assisted Psychotherapy
  • Wellness
  • Medication Management
  • Child-Play Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • qEEG Brain Mapping
  • Evidenced Based & Trauma Therapy
  • Neuro/Biofeedback

Office Hours

8:00am – 7:00pm
Appointment Only
Appointment Only